What I want for Christmas (revised)
another Wreck This Journal (my current one is starting to fill up fast)
Pretty pens. Like coloured fine liners. I don't remember what they're called. STAEDTLER triplus 20 pack (I'm going to try and convince my mother to get me these) or these
Stickers are always good. It doesn't even matter what they are.
Books about interior design or just design in general. I'm going into TAFE on the 18th of January to talk the the head lecturer for the Design course. I'm hoping he lets me in the class.
Inkheart, Inkspell and Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke (must be in the covers below (couldn't find the covers for Inkheart and Inkspell, but you get the idea)
That's all I can think of at the moment. But it might help those in my life that are having a hard time buying for me.
I went and saw AVATAR today.
That's all I really have to say.
Just go see it!
I've been sort of iffy on Avatar...I wasn't sure if I should see it or wait for DVD or whatever. Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're so enthusiastic about it. I may check it out this weekend.