22 December 2009

I'm Not a Powerful Speaker!!

Moleskine Tips, Tricks and Hacks

I'm in the process of filling in a selection criteria for a job at the local library. I'm a little stuck so I'm going to get the "guru" ie my mother, to help me when she gets home. I'm not getting my hopes up for this job. Even though it's PERFECT, and I'm pretty much PERFECT for it. It's exactly what I'm doing now, but instead of DVDs it's books. And I need a change =D

Mum and Dad have agreed to let me decorate the living room. We haven't discussed a budget yet, but they're thinking $1000-$1500, but that doesn't include the floors, because they have already allowed for that in the renovation. I'm excited. I'm going to sit down with them and figure out what they want and do it very professionally so I can use it in my portfolio, which is non-existent at the moment.

I can't wait until 2010. My year, The Year of the TIGER.

Eccentric and dramatic, Fire Tigers are aglow with passion and verve. They are outgoing, expressive and look on the bright side of things. They have the Tiger’s natural ability to lead others and are able to excite others simply with their own gift of enthusiasm. They can be funny and have great senses of humor. Tigers are powerful speakers and have the ability to command and persuade crowds through speech. Their own seemingly endless supply of energy can make them appear a bit dramatic, and it may make them more sensitive to cautious or down-to-earth approaches in others.

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