20 May 2010

Panic Attacks & Packaging

I had a panic attack last night. A real "wall are closing in, can't breathe" panic attack, brought on by the fact that I laid down in bed and was about to go to sleep and I couldn't breathe. I literally couldn't breathe, I tried to take a breath and couldn't I sat up and gulped and managed to get a breath, and then the panic attack started. I couldn't manage to get any air in probably and I was crying. I tried to call out to my sister but couldn't, I ended up knocking on the wall to get her attention and she got mum. It's only the 3rd panic attack I've had in my life. The first one was when I was little, about 8 and I was thinking about death, so I freaked out, the last one was a couple of years ago when I was trying to decide whether I wanted to continue working for a company that I just didn't feel very comfortable about (they ended up letting me go after my probation had finished anyway) and then last night. This one was the worst, and scariest, and I'm still feeling the effects of it now. My whole body aches, I guess due to the lack of oxygen, and my chest hurts (because I'm still recovering from the cold, and still coughing so that didn't help either) but mentally, I actually better.

After I calmed down I went to bed, with my pillows high and read for about 2 hours. I'm currently reading Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Reilly. It's so good. I've seen his books around, but avoided them because I'm not a big fan of Australian Music/Film/Books. But a couple of months ago Kerri-Anne did an interview with him and he was quite funny and witty, so I thought I better check his books out. It's like Indiana Jones meets Da Vinci Code. It's excellent and really really hard to put down. Once I managed to put it down I slept like a baby, until morning when mum walked in my room, poked me and asked if I was still alive. I moaned and rolled over, and slept for another 3 hours, then I rolled over onto something hard and plastic. It was a package. OMG iPad, but no it wasn't. It was from Samantha Wills. It was the bracelet I had ordered. In the newest edition of Shop Til You Drop there was a free $35 voucher to spend at Samantha Wills online store. I checked it out and found so many beautiful pieces of jewelry. And then I found it. The most amazing awesome bracelet ever. Well after the $35 voucher, it cost me $39, including postage and handling. And It showed up today... in a hand craved wooden box.

Handcraved box

Opened the box

The Bracelet

I love it. I can't wait to wear it out. It's so piratey =D It makes the most wonderful sound and the coins aren't all the same, so it's really interesting. But the wooden box. I think I love more than the bracelet. It's so beautiful, the design on the top is hand craved and it just feels so nice. It's really my first piece of designer jewelry. I'm so impressed with the packaging. I've always loved packaging (yep I'm getting weirder). It all started when I got my first iPod. Apple have always made unboxing fun. Hence why I'm planning an unboxing post when my iPad arrives.

That's pretty much it for today. I have made some more polyvore sets that I will post later on. The blog world has seemed to slowed a little. But that doesn't matter, because I will be here.


  1. "I'm not a big fan of Australian Music/Film/Books."
    oh bunny you are such a patriot! haha.. im the same tho, sucks you had a panic attack :( my mum has had quite a few of them & they look pretty scary so cant imagine how scary they must be to experience!
    & that box/bracelet is incredibly beautiful!! i love hand carved wood, it always looks so lovely!

    And do you mean me with my blog slowing down ness??? :O
    ps: the captcha is
    pubhica & it made me lol coz it sounds like pubic hair lol

  2. Most of the blogs I follow haven't posted in the last couple of days. It just seems weird. Maybe something went awry in the Eastern states! =O
    Or I'm just crazy =D
