13 May 2010

Molly Is...

...sick (obviously), very bored (very obvious) and just plain BLAH. I have, however, signed up for the 365 Postcards project. Some random is going to send me a postcard, some day this year. I don't know what it will look like or what she will say, but I can't wait. There are still a few spaces left if you want to join in. Check out the site, 365postcards, for more details.

In some slightly more exciting news. 2 (of the 4) volumes of the comic book collections on Runaways arrived today. vol 8 - Dead End Kids by Joss Whedon (yep that Joss Whedon), Michael Ryan and Christina Strain, and vol 11 - Homeschooling by Kathryn Immonen (who will be appearing at Supanova this year) and Sara Pichelli. Vol 1 & 2 are on there way. I bet now you're wondering why I bought vol 1, 2, 8 & 11. Well 1 & 2 is obvious, vol 8 I bought because it's going out of stock soon and it's by Joss Whedon, and vol 11 I bought so I could take it to Supanova to get Kathryn to sign.


Sorry about the crap quality of the photo. I turned on my camera to discover the battery is dead, so I used my iPhone (which has no FLASH!) I can't read these ones yet. I've only read the first 2 comics (volume 1 contains the first 6) so I'm not very far into the story. If I'd known it was going to be this long I probably wouldn't of got hooked, but too late now. Anyway enough rambling. I'm off to bed. I was very lucky and managed to get Toni to do my shift for me tomorrow night, which means I don't have to work until Sunday morning. Hopefully... not not hopefully... I WILL be better by then.

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