21 October 2009

Awesome and Not-so Awesome.

I'm so going back to Melbourne next year.
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image is having a Tim Burton retrospective, and Tim Burton is expected to be at the opening on June 24. I'm so going.

I'm also excited that, JJ Abrams has said that he would love William Shatner to be in the next Star Trek movie. how awesome would that be?

ALSO ALSO.... I finally got a copy of What Ever Happened To The Caped Crusader? by Neil Gaiman. I LOVE BATMAN, and this one has pretty much every villian in it. it's cool! I can't wait to read it.

My life is pretty crazy at the moment. hectic, but also lazy. I need to get off my arse and do something with my life instead of sitting around. I'm over going to the gym, well in the classes anyway because today at work one of the women in the class came in and had a hissy fit at me for her having overdues, and i told her she had to pay them so she threw money at me, told me to delete her account and said "you're fucking useless, i'll go to the other fucking videoshop" and i was pissed so i told her "good riddance" and if she could stare daggers, i'd be dead. =D i know it's not my fault. I wasn't being rude or anything I was just telling her that she had to pay the fees, because whether or not the prices have gone up, the movies were still late. it's quite funny. now that i think about it I don't think it will stop me from going to the Gym, it will be funny to see how she reacts.

I just need direction and motivation.

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