Yesterday while stalking random on Flickr I can't across a couple of photos that involved a book called "Wreck This Journal" by Keri Smith. I thought it looked interesting so I looked it up. And after reading about 1 line about the book I wanted one. So I logged onto and ordered one (and another Moleskine Journal).
I then decided to search "Wreck This Journal" on Flickr, and I found a group created by the author for people to post photos of their journals and what they are doing with them. It looks so much fun and I can't wait to get mine and start destroying it! =D
I got a $50 voucher to Kmart from Jenna for my birthday. You'll be happy to know that I used it today. I bought a pack of 8 Mini Sharpies (multi-coloured), a pack of Kilometrico pens (Pastel coloured), a 20 pack of Crayola Supertip Marker pens, a green box to store them, and the new Killers CD (which is AWESOME!!!! and has a pretty cover)
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