18 April 2014

Fashion Inspiration - Animated Girls

A few other awesome bloggers have been doing fashion inspiration posts, so I decided to do some for myself. May I present some of my favourite animated girls!

Turanga Leela
Turanga Leela
Turanga Leela by princessgeek86

Leela... the coolest one-eyed purple haired space pilot, from one of my favourite tv series of all time, Futurama. (I realised today that The Nerdy Girlie did a Professor Farnsworth fashion set... (check it out... it's AWESOME!!) I just want to say that I'm not copying your idea, I hope you don't mind!! I planned this post in advance... Great minds think alike :D)

Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie by princessgeek86

PINKIE PIE - My favourite Pony... well I love them all! I love Pinkie's attitude to life, always happy, always friendly... I think she would be an awesome person to hang out with... if she wasn't an animated magic pony! WATCH VID!

Now to some of the sassiest animated girls!

Debbie Thornberry
Debbie Thornberry

Debbie Thornberry by princessgeek86

Debbie Thornberry - I have ALWAYS loved The Wild Thornberries. I loved Eliza, because she could talk to animals and was Nerdy, but still awesome, I loved Nigel... because he's just awesome full stop (Tim Curry!!!) but I always had a soft spot for Debbie I guess it was because I was probably around her age when I started watching... she was sassy and moody, and a typical teenager!!


Probably my favourite and the one I can relate too most, Daria. She was in my life during my "Goth" phase... and is probably the reason for it. I say "Goth" but it wasn't the full on typical Goth (because I went to a private school with light blue and navy uniforms) it was the self dyed black hair, the black eyeliner (which I would always have to wash off at school because of the no-makeup rule) and honestly... I think it was just because that was the phase my friends were going through and I wanted to fit in. I could go on for DAYS about how much high school sucked, but I won't, all I will say if Daria helped me deal with it :)


Hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any suggestions for my next lot of fashion sets, let me know in the comments.

I also received a lot of feedback on my Geek Shelves idea. It has involved into a Geek Space idea, but can still include your favourite geek shelf (I know mine does) I will let everyone know more details as it comes... but start thinking... start taking photos... I think it will just end up as a quick "Show us your Geek Space" prompt for you to do on your own blog! Let me know :)

<3 Molly

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