03 April 2013

Gym Bunny

No Vlog today.
I'm not feeling very confident at the moment.
I can't, "just vlog" I need to prepare myself.

I did, however, do something quite scary.
I joined the gym.
I know, I know, it's just a gym.
My last gym experience was BAD with a capital BAD!
I went for a month, felt so uncomfortable so I stopped going.
But still continued to pay.
Then when the payment plan ended.
The gym rang me and asked me to renew.
I told them I hadn't been to the gym in 11 months.
They asked why, I said because they didn't care.

I joined a new gym. It opens on Friday.
It's a Snap Fitness gym and it's 24 hours.
So I'll be exercising at midnight probably.
Like right now! If it was open I would be going.
The owner dude person (I don't think he's the owner)
had been "bugging" me to join.
He's one of those gym types etc.
But was nice and honest.
I could sense that he's a genuine person.

So gym.
I really want an iPod nano.
Not that I need one because I have an iPhone.
But the battery is really bad.
At least with a Nano I don't need to worry about wasting my phone battery.
So I might make it a goal.
I have the money to buy one.
But instead, I'm going to make it a reward.
If I go to the gym for 10 hours I will buy myself an iPod Nano.

I don't really know what to do with myself.
I'm feeling a little less anxious than yesterday
but I'm still feeling a little "lost"
it's a weird feeling.

Love you lots.


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