4 weeks until we have to be out of this house. 4 weeks left in my room, which is starting to look less and less like my room. Most of the posters are gone, All my books and DVDs are packed, except for a few I left out to keep me occupied over the next couple weeks. I'm feeling a lot more relaxed now. About moving, and my study. On Saturday night (after my emo rant) I made some sort videos with my webcam and then did the unthinkable... re-watched them! And it wasn't that bad. So I know I can do it. And even though I'm 6 units behind, the course is Part time, so it's not going to be impossible to finish. I'm hoping that my "mystery" full time job will come soon, then I'll be able to quit Blockbuster, and hopefully be able to stay at Target, but still have the weekends. FINGERS CROSSED.
Did I mention the kittens that invaded our house? I think I did. I found them a home. But my friend found another one. A little ginger girl, who is currently running around my feet like a maniac. She didn't have as many ticks and fleas, and is a lot more playful, it's not going to be hard to find her a home. We are going to look after her until tomorrow when my sister Alex gets home from Perth, because she wants to see her.
She's such a cutie. She does look like the other two, they are from the same litter. Hopefully Patricia doesn't find anymore. Poor kitty.
Anyway, I'm back to work tomorrow, after 4 days off. It was good, got some stuff done, did some lazying around, feeling refreshed. How was everyone elses' long weekend?? (well people from WA anyway!)
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