08 August 2010

Day 13 — A fictional book

Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Reilly. (website contains Spoilers)
Earlier this year we saw a replay of Matthew Reilly's interview with Kerri-Anne.
It was really interesting. He was talking about his new book. And how much of a movie geek he is (he owns one of the original Delorens from Back To The Future). So Mum decided to start reading his books. I had heard of him previously, but because of his "Australian-ness" (and my anti-Patriotism) I never really was interested, until mum started raving about Seven Ancient Wonders. She actually made me read it. Every morning she said "Have you started reading it yet?" and after about a week I went "Fuck it" and started it. The first night, I went to bed at 11pm and read. When I finally got around to putting it down it was 3am and I was almost halfway through the book. IT WAS AMAZING. I finished it within a week. There are 2 more in the series, but I haven't started the second yet, because I know it will take up a lot of my time and I really don't have it at the moment (and I need my sleep)... So.... READ IT! =D

Princess Geek  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my dad's a massive Matthew Reilly fan. I've only read Hovercar Racer (which was incredible) but Seven Ancient Wonders has been sitting on my bookshelf for a while now. Perhaps someday I'll get around to reading it :)
