08 April 2010


No kidding! A Tiger Snake.
In our yard.
And guess what, the snake men came, and couldn't find it, so now they're leaving. SO IT'S STILL THERE!
But we're going to pretend that they caught it so mum will be able to sleep at night. My mum HATES snakes. HATES HATES HATES! So it's best that we tell her they got it. so Shhhhhh! don't tell her.

I now have enough money to buy an iPad, if I decide to get one, which I haven't decided yet. Not until there is a price and release date. But I am kinda excited over the prospects of owning an iPad, and using it when I go to Melbourne in June, and getting it delivered and opening it (or "de-boxing") But I have enough money for a MacBook, but I'm just not as excited about a MacBook, as I am with an iPad. And I don't really want to replace my computer, but I want something portable, but more powerful and bigger than my iPhone. and the iPad seems the prefect thing.
I'm thinking, 16GB or 32GB Wi-Fi only iPad, I don't want a 3G one, because that would completely void the fact that I have a data plan on my iPhone, and a majority of the iPad's use will be at home anyway, and when I'm away, there is wi-fi everywhere, I've already checked the hotel we're staying at in Melbourne and they have FREE Wi-Fi.

Found the snake. Called the snake man back, and he got it. It was about 1.5metres long! I didn't see it because I went to the gym, because I'm a good girl (only the second time this year). It was good, did 20 minutes on the treadmill and then tried to use the bike, but it didn't work, so I gave up =D but only because the gym was packed.

I have tomorrow off, and I have to make a plushie for my cousin, because it's his 1st birthday tomorrow. =D YAY!
I'm off to plan something.


  1. Hopefully the iPad won't have the same wi-fi problems they've been having up here in Canada. >:(

    Yay snakes! Was this a bitey venomous kind or just a snakey-snake?

  2. You probably are going to but wait until at least May to buy your cause the ones that are released first run do not have Wi-fi.

    I am so Mac, I totally am, but I am not sure I can justify getting an iPad. I have a Macbook and an iPhone so I am not sure I need something in between.

    If you do get one would love to hear what you think of it.


  3. Kate - It was a bitey venomous snake. no9 on the top most Venomous snakes in the world. not entirely dangerous, they're not aggressive, unless, of course, you provoke them.
    Ethony - I've been reading about all the iPad problems... the problem is some people are having them and some are not, which is really annoying. I don't know what I should do. I have enough money to afford a MacBook, not a Pro, at this point I'm not sure. I guess the main reason I want and iPad is for ebooks, and that's something MacBooks don't really do (well) *shrugs*
