08 September 2012

FIRST LOOK - Thranduil (The Hobbit)

First photo of Legolas' father Thranduil is here and he looks amazing! Before the role was cast, David Tennant was rumoured to be playing him (which would of been AWESOME) but Lee Pace was finally cast, and they definitely did a good job. I love how they cast dark haired, dark eyed actors to play blonde haired, blue eyed elves :D

To get the full awesome effect! You have to look at this image LARGE! Click to make it bigger and stare at his eyes!

I was so unsure of Lee Pace being Thranduil! Being a David Tennant fangirl, I was devastated when he didn't get it! But this just confirms that I'm an idiot and Lee Pace is going to be AMAZING! He better get some decent screen time!

I can't wait until December.

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