10 September 2011


Have you seen the new Blogger interface? AWESOME and white and awesome. I love it!

I know I've been a bit "absent" lately... a couple of reason, 1) really not that enthused about blogging and 2) MINECRAFT... One word EPIC! As far as I know, a large amount of my followers play, and those of you that don't... you totally should. I've just downloaded the "leaked" update... but considering it was "leaked" by Notch the creator of Minecraft... it's not really a leak is it. It cost me $21 to register and the game is free to download, so I can log in from any computer that has it (won't have my saved awesome worlds) but it's still fun. I use Minecraft with 2 mods. Yogbox and TooManyItems, but I'm getting bored of having all the items available freely, and I've started actually searching for them. With 1.8 I have to have a fresh install, so I'll lose access to the mods (which will now have to be updated anyway)
Epic cave/mountain

my mountain mansion

on top of the world

the nether. I'm NEVER going back there!!!

I'm still having a hard time finding things to say so if you want to read some more information about Minecraft you should check out Emma's new blog, A Cupcake in a Cupcake. She's the whole reason I even got into Minecraft.

1 comment:

  1. Yay I gots a mention :D

    Minecraft is totally awesome - currently working on an amazing mountain side delicious house right about now i will screen shot and share soon

