02 May 2011

Lee Pace in The Hobbit

Mr Lee Pace aka The Pie Maker in quirky tv series Pushing Daisies has been cast as Elf King Thranduil in Peter Jacksons' The Hobbit. The role of Thranduil was rumoured to be played by David Tennant, but according to various news articles Lee Pace was first choice for the role. It's going to be very strange seeing Lee as Thranduil, because, being a Mirkwood elf, he will have long blonde hair, similar to his son Legolas. Yep Lee Pace is playing Legolas' father. Lee is perfect for the role, he's very tall and slender, but can he do a serious role? People are raving about his performance in The Fall, and according to the trailer it looks amazing, but its not available in Australia, and I don't have enough downloads to download it.
Lee Pace
I am so excited about The Hobbit, but I haven't read too much about it, because the more I know the more I'll want to see it. I really like the way Peter Jackson is casting "relatively" unknown people, not huge Hollywood superstars, and I'm excited about some of the older cast members having cameos. But since it's not out until 2012, I'm not reading too much about it just yet.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited and pleased that Lee Pace got cast (just have to read the book before the film comes out!). He is an amazing actor who is really underappreciated. You should definitely check out the fall, and if you can't download it play.com has it for a pretty decent price if you feel like buying it (and they deliver to Australia.
