Here are a couple of photos of my new room. There really isn't much there at the moment. Dad is going to get new carpet because the carpet is disgusting. The curtains are block-out so the room will be really dark, which is 100 times better than the bamboo blind I have at the moment. It's going to feel weird being so close to the ground (my current bedroom window is about 2.5 metres off the ground) Anyhoo, here are some photos...
view from door... kinda. It's was hard to take a good photo. |
The built in wardrobe. It's awesome. I'm in love with it, even if it does smell a bit yuck. |
ALSO I went to buy my new desk from Furniture Spot and the girl was like, sorry there is none available until May 27th... MAY! That's 2 months away, why don't you write that on the desk or something? I don't know what to do. There was a desk at Officeworks I like, it's cheaper, but also smaller... hmmmm I'm going to have to think about it for a little while.
I also went to Diva and spent some more money *sadface* but I did get 2 sets of bracelets (these and another set I can't find online) and a charm bracelet. (all up there is 23 individual bracelets) for under $30, so I think I did pretty well. SEE? :)
Also, the book I ordered from Angus & Robertson arrived. The Fallen: Raziel by Kristina Douglas. I ordered it only knowing that it was about angels, and there is a hot guy on the front. I hope it's good.
It hasn't really sunk in yet. The whole moving process. I think when my room is finally empty and I'm being forced by my parents to clean, then it will hit me. I still have so much shit to move. I haven't even made a dent. And there is so much that won't possibly fit in my new room... But we're just going to go with the flow. Dad pretty much has ALL his friends coming to help. Since I started writing this post 30 minutes ago, 2 of dads friends have called and offered to help. They're all so supportive of what's happening in dads life, the move, the separation. I would love to friends like that. But men are different to women in that sense I think.
Any moving house tips would be nice. Also any tips to relocating cats. They're my biggest worry.
Your new room looks awesome, be good to see the difference that it makes when your fully moved in!
ReplyDeleteWould love to know that you think of the book, I have also purchased it recently but yet to read it.
throw junk out. stop spending money. de clutter your life. you dont need material object. you cant take it with you when you die.