12 February 2011

Who Are You?

I've stolen this idea from Briana at Rose Colored Glasses.... The Blogger Interview. By know you guys probably know heaps about me, but I don't know much about you so I've decided to hold a Blogger Interview to get to know you.

Here's what I think I'll need:
A current photograph of yourself.
Your blog, Etsy shop, or website info.

Answers to these questions:
What's your name? How old are you? (Only if you don't mind sharing.) Where do you live? Job, family life, living situation?

What inspires you? What are some of your favorite things?

What are your favorite hobbies?

How do you spend your days?

Why are you on Blogger? Do you have a blog, yourself?

What attracted you to MY blog? What do you like about it? How did you find me?

If you have an Etsy shop, or other online site, what do you hope to accomplish with it? What are your long-term goals, dreams, etc?

What are some of your favorite blogs, sites, etc. and why?

Anything fun you have to share about yourself??

If any of these questions seem to personal and you'd rather not answer feel free to pass on them. I won't mind. If you have something you want people to know that I haven't asked, again, feel free to add to this interview. I also appreciate any photographs you may want to add.

I think this could be really fun. To participate, just leave me an e-mail with your information at:

* It will be private. I will not pass any information on, this is just for my own eyes. I'm interested in what sort of people are reading my blog. If you don't want to email me, just leave a comment with your name, website (if you have one) and where you are in the world. That would be great.


1 comment:

  1. I think its great you're doing this too. How fun! Thanks for sharing with your readers.
