Directed and Written by Christopher Nolan who is best known as the director of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy.
What I Liked:
= The soundtrack. Right from the beginning, Hans Zimmers' soundtrack really set the mood of the whole film.
= Despite the 2 hours 45 minute run time, not once did I wonder if the film was almost finished. It took hold right from the beginning, and didn't let go to the breath taking (and slightly disheartening) ending.
= Tom Hardy as Eames. He had the funniest lines, and provided most of the humor in the film. I've been a fan of Tom Hardy since the first time I saw him in Star Trek Nemesis, he played the Shinzon (the bad guy & clone of Jean-Luc Picard)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Tom Hardy
= The fact that the film isn't as hard to understand as everyone is saying it is. If you are worried about seeing it, don't be. I'm still recovering from a cold, and I had to deal with an emotional staff member at work 15 minutes before the film so I went in with other tinges on my mind, but I understood.... well until the last 5 seconds =D
= Cillian Murphy's amazing blue eyes! (yeah the photo is from Sunshine, but you can still see his amazing blue eyes)
What I Hated (well didn't like, since I didn't Hate any bit of this movie)
= sorry to say this, but Leonardo DiCaprio. He kinda annoys me a little, I don't know why. But That's the only problem I hade with the film.
It was a excellent film. I came home and looked it up, and read about the "Evil Foghorns" apparently the music is the key, so I now have to find time (and money) to go see it again so I can see if it's real.
I give the movie 5 out of 5. It had everything I need in a film. A good plot, excellent soundtrack and sexy actors.... that's all I really need.
-- Post From My iPad (Barnaby)
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