30 August 2014


Short post today with a few things I want!
Sorry I haven't been around much.
I've been posting on Fat Geek to Fab Geek
I promise I will figure out some more things to post here :)


16 August 2014


I just ordered a Nutribullet.
I have been um-ing and ah-ing about getting one for a couple of months now.
I did some research between the MagicBullet and the NurtiBullet and decided the NutriBullet fitted my needs. I read good... and bad reviews, I asked friends and family members and I watched lots of videos.
After my surgery, I will have to spend a month or two eating liquid and pureed food, and I don't own a blender... so I decided that it would be much easier on me if I got one. I know there are many different blenders on the market... but ever since I first saw the infomercial for the MagicBullet all those years ago, I loved the look and ease of it... Then the NutriBullet was released.

Tomorrow I'm off to Perth with my sister Alex. I'm going up for 3 doctors appointments over 2 days, and Alex is coming as support... but mostly because we're going to IKEA!
I love IKEA, I don't care what people say about it! They say it's expensive, but I need some simple bookshelves and there is nowhere in my town that I can get any bookshelves under $300... so IKEA is the next best thing... plus work has asked me to get some plastic bowls etc.

I'm leaving with my room very messy, which is what I did when I went to Sydney... I know I should probably give it a tidy before I leave, especially if I'm coming back with new furniture.

If you're not already following me on Instagram click here... I will follow you back :)

<3 Molly

14 August 2014

Things I Love Thursday

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I have been very busy with work, and prepping (physically & mentally) for future surgery! Plus I haven't really felt that inspired to post. Sorry :(

But here's Things I Love Thursday... A few things around the internet that I'm loving at the moment. ENJOY!

Leatherdos Hair Clip Multi Tool - A survival tool, that you can wear everywhere...
DIY Paper Floral Headpiece - very pretty, very easy, very colourful!
Boom Studio Humble Bundle - pay $15 or more and get HEAPS of awesome digital comics, including Lumberjanes
Midori Traveler Notebook - I've been eyeing them off for awhile, and I finally ordered one... even thought I'm suppose to be saving money for my surgery... I ordered mine from Bookbinders (Australian site) as well as some refills from etsy. I ordered a regular sized Brown Midori Traveler Notebook, and a few different refills (including Grid, Lined, Daily planner, monthly planner and a zipper pocket)
Peerless Watercolour Paints - The most amazing idea... water colour paints that are simply a small piece of paper... 60 colours! You get a 2in x 2in square of each colour... and you can cut them up and create your own palette.
Animagus Adventures!
Animagus Adventures! by highlyfunctioningsociopath featuring a cat throw pillow

My sister made this awesome set on polyvore! It's very cool! I love it! check out her sets!
Postcrossing - send postcards to strangers all over the world, and receive postcards from all over the world... who doesn't love mail?!?!

I hope everyone is well. I'm off to Perth on the weekend for a series of doctors appointments, and hopefully to get a date for my surgery. Don't stress, it's nothing serious :) you can read all about it here!

<3 Molly

12 August 2014

Bucket List

This is an ongoing, ever changing list of epic-ness.
It's pretty self explanatory!

Also see: 30 Before 30 for my short term goals :)

See A Comet.
COMPLETED - 14th - 26th January 2007
The most amazing thing I've ever seen in the whole universe. I don't think much will top it. The day I remember the most, was during my friends birthday, we were out on a boat, it was so dark and I just sat on the boat and watched it all night. My friends didn't care about this huge bright light, with a HUGE tail in the sky, they didn't care that this comet wouldn't be back for 2 million years... they just wanted to get drunk... this was the last party I was ever invited to (and I'm not complaining :D)

See a Solar Eclipse.
COMPLETED - 29th April 2014
Partial Solar Eclipse. Albany, WA, Aust.
I booked the day off work, just so I could watch the eclipse. It was a little cloudy, but through the clouds I was able to watch the moon move in front of the sun. I met Astronomer Jay Pasachoff, who had travelled from the US to Albany, to watch it! Best "sickie" ever!

Visit the Equator
The plan… Head to Pontianak, Indonesia!

See 5 Major musical productions
1. Phantom of the Opera at Burswood Theatre (Perth) - 2008
2. The Lion King at Capitol Theatre (Sydney) - 5th July 2014
3. Les Miserables at Crown Theatre (Perth) - 23rd January 2015
4. Wicked at Crown Theatre (Perth) - 16th May 2015

See a Musical on Broadway

Go to the Airport and buy a random ticket anywhere

Get A Tattoo
Weigh Under 100kg
Completed - 30th March 2015

Stargaze on The Nullaboor Plains

Go Skinny Dipping

See The Northern Hemisphere Stars

Experience Zero Gravity

See the Curve in the Horizon of Earth

Ride in a Hot Air Balloon

See the Aurora Borealis

See the Aurora Australis

Travel First Class

Participate in a Colour Run

Leave a lovely note in a library book

Release a Paper Lantern

Visit where the Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean meet

Swim in the major oceans
Southern Ocean - Albany, WA, Australia. (every time I swim at the beach)
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean

Go to San Diego Comic-Con

Go to Mine-Con

Own a Cat
Completed - 31st March 2015
adopted Fenrir :)

See a Volcano Erupt

See a Tornado

Buy a Bicycle
COMPLETED - 25th December 2014
Albany, WA, Aust.
My mum and dad helped me buy a bike. It’s a Trek Marlin and it’s beautiful and I’m in love with it!

Go Sky-Diving

Swim With Whale Sharks

Go Bungy-Jumping

Places To Visit
New Zealand
Easter Island

07 August 2014

Re-Doing My Bucket List

I've been going over my 30 Before 30 and 2014 Bucket List, and decided that they need a little fixing. I'm going to scrap my 2014 Bucket List and start my Bucket List... the real one, the one I have until the end of my life!

My 30 Before 30 will remain, but I'm going to go through it and make sure that everything is relatively achievable in the next 2 and a bit years. I know the point is to do things exciting and that you wouldn't do normally, but since they're short term goals, and I want to achieve as many as I can.

I've started a Bucket List Pinterest board for inspiration. You're welcome to have a look!

Stay tuned for my Bucket List.

<3 Molly