03 April 2014

Things I Love Thursday - Goats & Dragons!

Short and sweet today! Some very interesting links for you, and a very very funny video!

Jesse Cox plays Goat Simulator - Of all the Goat Simulator play-throughs I've seen... This is the best! I can't wait for the chance to play this game myself!

How to start a journal - and keep it up - I suck at keeping a journal. This is pretty handy, and it's written by Keri Smith, the author of Wreck This Journal and other fun books that you develop anxieties over because you have to wreck them... (or is that just me?)

36 Entirely Scientific Reasons to Love Brian Cox - if you need scientific proof to love him... I don't, he just has to talk nerdy to me!

36 Ways to DIY Every part of your Life - A list of lists. Some very awesome lists including 46 Penny-Pinching Ways to Dave Money, Wedding ideas and DIYs your Pet will love.

Awesome Books to Replace Your Favourite Cancelled TV Shows - Favourite TV show was cancelled... can't live without it... re-runs are starting to get a little tedious... why not try a book with similar themes and plots!?

Loot Crate has announced that the theme for the April Loot Crate will be Dragons, and it will include exclusive loot from Game of Thrones and Elder Scrolls Online. Much Excite!!!

It's Elder Scrolls Online day tomorrow! I'm so excited! I got a text today saying I can pick it up tomorrow. Very EXCITED!!

Honourable Mentions
♥ writing packing lists ♥ making cookies ♥ 2nd hand book stores ♥ The Internship [particularly Josh Gad] ♥ lonely planet guide books ♥ Google Maps Pokemon Search! [I'm not even a fan of Pokemon] ♥ April Fools jokes online! ♥ A Great Big Worlds debut album Is There Anybody Out There? (in particular the songs You'll Be Okay and Everyone Is Gay)

What are some things you're loving this wonderful Thursday? Let me know in the comments!

<3 Molly


  1. Welp, guess I'll be finally breaking down and doing LootCrate, haha.

    1. You should, the first one I got was sort of crap, but last months one was awesome! It had a tee and issue one of Attack On Titan manga. I'm very excited about the April loot crate. I get Nerdblock too. They started out not having a theme to there's (and you always get a tee) but this month they're working with transformers, so hopefully there will be something super awesome! It's nice to get a cool parcel every month :)
