I found a new blog. Picking Daisies Blog. Its amazing.
Did I mention it written by a 13 year old!
+ she has a really awesome Pinterest.
I started a Gratitude Journal on Tumblr.
It's called...
I'm going to write 3 things I'm grateful for, everyday.
Finally moved out of my dads house.
All my boxes are out.
But now they're piled up in the garage.
There are so many!
Found a new photo app.
It's called After Light.
It's 99c in the Australian iTunes store.
You can purchase other elements in-app.
Wow, she's mature! At her age I didn't have a blog (I started at 16), but I'm pretty sure mine would've been rants about how much I hate my sister and how much I love Stargate! Hers is way more interesting!