23 October 2011

Badge Maker

My mum needed custom badges for her new charity, Kids Central. She was going to get the badges made, but instead she has ordered a badge press. Do you know what that means? I can make badges! Mum is excited because she thinks I'll be able to start a business designing and selling badges etc. I'm quite excited about the idea. She thinks I should come up with ideas for business names and some business ideas :) I'm excited. I have a couple of names:
• Badgers In Top Hats (complete with Badgers in Top Hats)
• 8-Bit Designs
• Don't Panic Designs
They are some of my ideas, I'm not very good with creative stuff, so I'll have to look for someone to maybe do some image commissions etc.
I'm excited by the prospects of having something to keep me busy :)
Hopefully the Badge Press won't be too far away :)
I'll keep you updated :)


  1. Hee, I love 'Badgers in Top Hat'. Also, would be willing to help out with any designs, it's what I do!

  2. Thanks Natalie. I was thinking of you when I thought about designs. I'm not sure exactly what I need/want yet, should wait until I actually have the press before I do any major planning :)

  3. Hee, no problems, have a think though, and feel free to email me!
