07 August 2010


Listening… a pretty epic playlist on iTunes. It's got a little bit of everything. The weirdest song on the list? "The Surrender (La Resa)" by Ennio Morricone and Rabbia E Tarantella by Ennio Morricone, both from the Inglourious Basterds soundtrack (The Surrender is the song playing when Donny emerges from the tunnel, and Rabbia is the song that plays in the end credits.)

Reading… Nothing. Borrowed some manga from my friend, but haven't got around to reading it yet, I also re-read the Inglourious Basterds screenplay (there is so much in the screenplay that you don't see in the movie and it's a real shame, because it's genius)

Watching… Red Dwarf (tv series). Also finally (after weeks of waiting for the stupid customer to return it) got my hands on a copy of True Romance.

Buying… yesterday I bought a Apple Wireless Keyboard to use with my iPad, I freaking love it. One Monday I'm going to buy a new external hard drive so my friend Nigel can fill it with awesomeness (like the 100GB of digital comics OMG YAY)

Wanting… Soundwave second announcement to have some bands that I like.

Trying… to stay positive =D

Loving… Inglourious Basterds, Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, The Used, 80s Music, knowing that in a week my internet speed will go from 1.5mb per second to 20mb a second OMFG!

Planning… nothing. and it feels amazing

Writing… Inglourious Basterd AU fanfic

Inspired by… Accents. mostly German and Irish. wild birds in the back yard. Irish folk songs. chunky silver jewelery.

Princess Geek  


  1. Ooh, what manga is it? I've been reading Naruto, Black Cat and Fruits Basket lately, but the website I read it on got shut down. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to buy it legally now... :)

  2. I borrowed Knockout Makers from my friend, but she has so many it's not funny. I have some too, but not as many as her, in the last year, when I've found something to read, i always ask her first, because she had them. I prefer to read the real manga that read them online, but I've got a friend who has lots of Manga on his computer so I'm getting them too.

  3. Hmm, never heard of that one before. Perhaps I shall get it from the library :)
    I prefer to read it in book form as well, but the bookstores around here are really slack when it comes to manga ^.^
