17 June 2010

Things I Love Thursday

Still feeling a little stressed, but a little bit a retail therapy today helped. I finally stopped procrastinating and went in and got a new bra. I did it all, including the professional fitting, which was a little embarrassing, but hey, I just imagine all the other people she has seen half naked. And she was very very very nice, the only sort of people that you want when you're getting a bra fitted. I also bought some long black tights, new PJs, a long black knit top (I have a grey one, so I went back and got a black one too), Disney's The Princess and The Frog on Blu-ray and some magazines. I also bought some birthday gifts for my friends, a "Flapper Wig" to wear to a 50s Party, 50s style costume sunnies and a pair of costume "Geek Glasses". The dress I have for the party isn't very 50s, so I'm going to go 50s accessories crazy.

Things I Love Thursday.
The Princess and The Frog. first ever African American Disney princess, talking frog, trumpet playing alligator, scary voodoo guy, New Orleans. What else do you want?
Breaking Benjamin. Don't know much about the band, all I know is that their songs are good!
Matthew Reilly. Australian author. Major geek. finished Seven Ancient Wonders last night. Now onto Six Sacred Stones.
Packing Lists. my Melbourne list is truly Epic. It's probably too Epic.
Insects in Jars. I found a store in Melbourne that sells preserved insects. I'm going to try and get there when I'm in Melbourne and hopefully buy a preserved Scorpion.

Honorable Mentions. Kinder Surprises. Free RockSound Stickers. Green nail polish. Food shopping with mum. Gerard Butler. Princess Tiaras. Wigs. Plants v. Zombies. One Hundred Trillion Dollars. Rainbows. Great Movie Anticipation (Kick-Ass. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Predators. THE A TEAM). Magnum Gold.

Princess Geek  

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