23 June 2010

Curious Wednesday

Questions from Gala Darling (she has Curious Tuesday, but because she's in USA, so I don't see the post until Wednesdays)

1. If it was your birthday tomorrow, what would be on your
I know this may sound a little self centered, but if I could have anything tomorrow, I would want to wake up weighing under 80kg. I know it's not going to happen over night, but it was a hypothetical question.

2. Do you look after your nails? Do you paint them? If so, do you have a colour that you keep returning to again & again?
No. I bite and pick at my nails. I hardly use nail polish, because I end up picking at it and it looks messy.

3. What star sign are you, & do you think it is accurate?
Scorpio, and I'd say so. Sometimes yes, sometimes not.

4. What is something you have recently learned to appreciate?
Relaxation. And turning off my brain when I go to bed.

5. What is your favourite city in the world, & why?
I love Albany (yes, it's a city, I was there when it officially became a city) but I love Melbourne. Only been there once, (and heading there again on Sunday) but there is something about it. I think it's the similar weather to home, and the culture is more art and music, as opposed to Perth, that too me seems more beachy. I don't know, I'll let you know when I get back.

-- Post From My iPad (Barnaby)

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