26 May 2010

Dear Apple,

Dear Apple,
Thank you for reading my blog. I assume that you read my blog, because as of 10 minutes ago, there is a lovely box with an even lovelier box in it, which contains my Barnaby on it's way across the country (or from China... I'm not sure) straight to me (well the box is addressed to my dad, but it's still mine!) and I couldn't be any more excited.
Love Melissa

Dear Gods, Goddesses & Patron Saints of Couriers,
Please make sure my Barnaby gets to me safety and on or before Friday 28th May. I would me most grateful and will recommend you to all my friends.
Here is a box of kittens I offer to you in exchange for the safe delivery of my Barnaby.
Please give them awesome names and feed them milk and scrambled eggs.
Love Melissa
PS I've named the front ginger kitten, Barnaby, after my iPad.

Now, since my clock has just ticked over to 1am. I am off to sleep, and dream of my Barnaby.

I'm such a NERD!

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