25 October 2016

30 Before 30 - Mini Update

Angel Food Cake is one step closer - I bought an angel food cake tin! Yes, apparently you it works a million times better with a tin like this! Plus who doesn't like hole-y cake! The trick is as soon as you take the cake out of the oven you have to turn it upright and let it cool completely upside down! I think C-day (Cake Day - LOL) will be next weekend! I don't think I have anything planned for that weekend. Fingers crossed!

Molly xoxo

23 October 2016

October Moodboard

I've been using Pinterest almost daily. When I need to look something up, forget google, I go straight to Pinterest! I've been making Mood Boards since 2014. They started as a seasonal thing, but have now developed into a monthly thing. It's great to look back at a mood board and get a snapshot of what I was liking, what inspired me, and even my mood for the month!

Here is my October Mood Board - feel free to click through and browse my many, very organised and aesthetically pleasing [well I think so anyway] boards!

Molly xoxo

I'm F**king terrified!

I want... I don't know what I want! I turn 30 in 4 weeks, and my life hasn't gone the way I thought it would of gone when I was a child... no marriage, no children, not much travel. I spent an awful amount of time feeling sorry for myself (I still do). I'm socially awkward (even thinking about going out and meeting people makes me feel anxious), and I would just rather stay at home where I feel SAFE! "Safe", is not always a good thing. How do you discover things about yourself, others, and the world if you stay in your safe cocoon? How do you truly make friends, create relationships, have fun, in a cocoon! Maybe I'm a type of caterpillar that takes years to turn into a butterfly!

Over the last couple of years a lot of things have happened that have had positive effects on my life, including extreme weight loss, finding a job (and career) I can see myself doing for the rest of my life, and starting to accept the body and life that the universe has bestow on me. I was able to cross some things of my bucket list (bungy jumping anyone?!) and make some friends, but none of those friendships ever moved any further than the occasional comment on Facebook, and that generic birthday message when Facebook tells you. I want more friends, people to go out with, people to act silly with, people to make mistakes with... but then again my anxious brain say "no you don't, it's too hard, what about your cocoon!? you'll have to actually talk to people, they may judge you... blah blah blah!" --- 

my 30th birthday is coming up, and my sisters are planning me a party. They asked about a guest list... 75% of the list is family, then work colleagues who don't really know "the real me", and then some old school friends I am attempting to connect with again! I'm F**king terrified! Terrified about being the centre of attention, terrified that everyone will show up, terrified that nobody will show up!! And if my work colleagues show up, will they judge the way I am with my family? Will I put on my "public mask" and not have as much fun as I usually do!?

I'm sorry about this ramble, there wasn't really a goal to this post. I think what I'm going through is very common with people my age. It's so easy to meet and make friends with wonderful people on the internet, but it's a lot harder for people to make friends IRL. I know in my heart that it will get better, but I also know it's not going to happen overnight, or if I just sit at home and twiddle my thumbs. It's about accepting yourself, you flaws, your quirks, your uniqueness, and getting out of your comfort zone!

If you have any tips and tricks let me know, but this really is something that has to be done by me, and probably like a band-aid... just jump in, and try not to drown!

Molly xoxo

22 October 2016

30 Before 30 - An Update

I have just found my 30 Before 30 list! At the bottom is the countdown timer... 27 days! There is still heaps of things on that list I need to do! Have a look at my list - I'm surprised that I managed quite a few, but alas, there are some I won't be able to complete by my 30th birthday (donate blood, Anzac dawn service) but there are a few I will attempt in the next 4 weeks! I have highlighted them in the list!

1. Bake a Angel Food Cake with Meringue Frosting [recipe here] [DONE - 30th October 2016]

2. Get a Tattoo [DONE - 28th April 2015, 16th September 2015, 16th April 2016]

3. Weigh under 100kg [DONE - 28th March 2015]

4. Travel on my own [DONE - 9th September 2016 - 29th September 2016 - New Zealand]

5. Sew myself a dress / alter a dress I already own

6. Donate Blood [update - this I won't be able to do until after 28th May 2017, due to 12 month waiting period after you get a tattoo to donate blood :(]

7. Have an EPIC Dinner/Tea Party [UPDATE - will my 30th birthday party count??]

8. Own a KitchenAid Electric Mixer [DONE - completed 20th November 2013]

9. Get my First Aid Certificate [DONE - completed in August 2013]

10. Travel Overseas [DONE - 9th September 2015 - New Zealand!]

11. Meet some blogging friends

12. Drive from Perth to Sydney

13. Go Skinny Dipping [UPDATE - really not feeling confident enough to go skinny dipping before my 30th. Its something I would love to be able to do one day - but I really need to build on my body confidence :)]

14. Go to ANZAC morning service on Anzac Day [Update - this obviously can't happen between now and my birthday!]

15. Read 10 Books

16. See 4 Major musical productions [1. The Lion King at Capitol Theatre - 5th July 2014] [2. Les Miserables @ Crown Theatre, Perth - 23rd January 2015] [3. Wicked @ Crown Theatre, Perth - 16th May 2015] [4. The Lion King @ Crown Theatre, Perth - 9th January 2016]

17. Own a Digital SLR Camera [DONE - 8th June 2015]

18. Visit every state & territory in Australia [WANSWVic • SA • Qld • Tas • NT • ACT]

19. Grow Forget-Me-Nots

20. Make Basil Pesto

21. Fill a whole notebook with my thoughts/inspirations

22. Pay off one of my credit cards [DONE - 9th May 2015]

23. Be Happy with my body [UPDATE - slowly getting there :D]

24. Have a The Hobbit/Lord of The Rings Extended Edition marathon (in one sitting)

25. Fill my Adventure Fund jar with money! [DONE - was cracked open on 7th September 2015]

26. See Aurora Australis

27. Create a Happy Book / Memory Journal

28. Go a week without technology [UPDATE - this will be really hard for me because I've just ordered a new iPhone 7 Plus :P]

29. Go Camping

30. Adopt a Cat [DONE - 1st April 2015]

The main thing I would like to complete on this list is the Angel Food Cake! It's something that I have always wanted to make, but has terrified me! I have never even eaten Angel Food Cake before, but I assume it's amazing! 

this version by the farmers daughter looks amazing!

I recently re-found a small notebook I had been using for thoughts and inspiration. I put it in my bag a couple of weeks ago and have been slowly adding to it. I always become super inspired by new notebooks, but then after awhile I start to lose interest, then they get forgotten all together. Then the whole cycle starts again. I'm going to try and not let this happen with this notebook! It's small (Moleskine Daily Pocket Planner) so it's easy to carry around. I already have a pencil case full of pens and such in my page, and my travel watercolour palette is super easy to cart around!

Everthing I don't finish on this list will most likely go on a 40 Before 40 list [haha]! What would you have on your list? Do you have a similar list? I would love to hear some of your ideas.

Molly xoxo

17 October 2016


Hello everyone! Wow it's been a really long time! I've been super busy with life, and haven't really been feeling like blogging. Here's a quick little update/currently list to get you back into it.

I haven't really watched much lately - unless you count The Block, and re-runs of The Great British Bake-Off! I watch A LOT of Youtube! My favourites at the moment (not including my ALWAYS favourite Yogscast) is Markiplier, both Keralis and BDoubleO's Planet Coaster series, and anything from BuzzFeed!

I honestly haven't had my computer turned on in months! This weekend finally turned it on and spent sometime tidying up and deleting old files, including lots of music that I just didn't listen to anymore. I have been very busy making a playlist for my 30th birthday party in November, as well as some playlist based on my favourite fictional characters - Kylo Ren playlist anyone?

Water - lots and lots of water... and the occasional Pepsi Max here and there!

The weather to warm up. We were teased with 2 days of sunshine and warmth, only for the wind and rain to start up again! I just want to get out of the house and go exploring, and do some gardening. I recently got my camera out and charged and am inspired to actually use it not in Auto mode! So I'm going to teach myself how to use it!

My hair to grow out. it's in that "medium length, waiting for it to grow out, trying not to get annoyed and chop it all off" phase! PLEASE GROW FASTER!

Despite the fact that WE don't need another cat, I'm loving "babysitting" a teeny grey kitten we have christened Greyskull. He was found in the carpark at our local Bunnings, was only 4 weeks old and had to bottlefed. Now he's a feisty little 5 1/2 week old who has started eating solids and is so cute and spunky! (he's currently asleep in a beanie on the end of my bed!)

Childrens books! In the last couple of weeks I have bought so many beautiful picture books! Wonderful stories, so simple and clever. It has inspired me to start thinking about writing my own!

The cold weather. The fact that shift+i on my keyboard doesn't work (I have to turn on caps lock to get a capital I).

Despite my complete and utter lack of blogging, I've still been active on Instagram (for all the cat photos!), and Pinterest (for pretties), so feel free to follow me on both :)
